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Why You Should Be On LinkedIn and How To Make Your Profile Better!

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Think social media is optional in today’s working world? Well, think again! Although you might not need to be a regular on Twitter or Instagram to score that new job, LinkedIn is one social platform that’s an absolute must for the modern job seeker. However, it’s not enough to establish a presence on the site; you should also create the strongest possible profile to boost your chances of career success. Here are some top tips for improving your LinkedIn profile:

Update your headline.

Want to stand out in the LinkedIn landscape? Instead of just using your current title and company name, it is recommended that job searchers craft an original headline stating their area of specialization. Many employers mine the LinkedIn listings for potential hires, so don’t be afraid to add a couple of keywords related to your professional expertise. Take the time to create a truly awesome headline for your profile and see your view rate rise.

Add a picture.

Think headshots are just for aspiring actors? In the world of LinkedIn, a good professional headshot can be the difference between scoring that dream position and getting lost in the crowd. In fact, studies show that HR managers are more likely to click on the profile of a candidate with a headshot than one using the generic photo supplied by LinkedIn. Upload a recent pic and reap the rewards in more job offers.

Secure recommendations.

It’s no secret that referrals can have a significant effect on hiring decisions, and the world of LinkedIn recruiting is no exception. Along with showcasing your skills to potential employers, recommendations demonstrate that you can get along with colleagues and peers. Ask former supervisors and clients to post testimonials to your LinkedIn profile to show prospective hiring managers you’re up to the task.

From keeping up with industry trends to connecting you with potential contacts, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for professional networking.

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