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Happy Mother’s Day!

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

At BGSF, one of our goals is to transform lives by giving people purpose. This is what mothers do every single day. In celebration of Mother’s Day, we want to give a special shout-out to the amazing, hardworking moms at #BGSF.

We invite you to read more about our BG Moms, including those from our field talent team. Learn about what they are grateful for this Mother’s Day, what inspires them, and what being a mom means to them. We hope their stories warm your heart and encourage you to take some time out to celebrate yourself, and each of those who serve as mothers to us.

  • Before I became a mother, I didn’t know how broken I was. My babies have saved my life. I’m a better person and I’m growing as a mother each and every day.

Tamekya Moore, Staffing Coordinator – InStaff

  • I have been working for InStaff since 2005! I work every day to be a great employee with outstanding attendance and performance. But what drives me is being the only provider to my household, I strive to be a dedicated mother.

Maria Cabral, Field Talent – InStaff

  • Martha Rotenberry is an exemplary field talent employee and mom that has been working for InStaff since 2011! We are proud to honor her for her hard work and dedication to both on this Mother’s Day!

Martha Rotenberry’s Family, Field Talent – InStaff

  • I’m a mom of two; Damien, age eleven, and Eliza (Lizzie), age four. It’s the most fun, stressful, important, tiring, loving job that I’ve ever had. Even though they can drive me absolutely crazy some days, I wouldn’t trade the wild ones for the world. My mom was only 17 when she had me and it was extremely inspiring to see her earn a degree, work full time, buy a house, and achieve several other accomplishments while having a child so young. It was something I don’t think I fully appreciated until I became an adult and had children of my own. Having a young mom was also a blessing because it meant spending a lot of time around my grandmothers, as both of my parents still lived at home when I was born. All three women have overcome several challenges that I cannot even imagine. They have been a huge inspiration and I’m very thankful to still have them around!  My favorite “mom-ism” is, “Do as I say, not as I do…”  I usually reserve it for when my kids catch me shoveling a brownie into my mouth after I finished telling them, “no snacks until after dinner.” It’s still a favorite of my mom, who now uses it as a grandma. Holly Yingling, Field Talent – Vision Technology Services

  • Being a mom has given me a new way to see things. They are the light at the end of my day. They can make the worst days just vanish with a smile or a funny joke. They definitely keep my battery charged when I need a kick or an extra push. We have a new member joining the family soon. Angel (oldest), Kylie, and Bruce (baby) keep me on my toes at all times. My mom has been there for me at my best and worst. I want to give my children the same individual, unconditional love that I experienced.

Sandra DeLaCruz, Onsite Supervisor – InStaff

  • My son, Xander, loves that his mom gives him cuddles and kisses, makes him laugh, and helps him with school. Xochitl Flores, Account Manager – BG Multifamily

  • To my girls, “Everything I do is for you.” My girls are my rock and the reason why I will continue to strive for success. Thank you, BG Multifamily, for allowing me to be part of such an amazing work family.

Alvina Quiroz, Staffing Coordinator – BG Multifamily

  • I’ve never had anyone look up to me the way that my daughter, Ava, does. She is my strength and inspiration, while I’m her foundation. A mother’s job is never done!

Ronesha Ellis, Staffing Coordinator – InStaff

  • We have a very non-traditional family. My oldest is adopted, and we have been very lucky that we have been able to form relationships with the parents/ adoptive parents of all of her siblings. It isn’t easy all the time, but I’m beyond thankful for these moms and I honor them and their tenacity on this Mother’s Day!

Betsy Kirkpatrick, Strategic Account Executive – BG Multifamily

  • Being a working mom to a toddler in the middle of a pandemic has been tough. If anything, it’s taught me to enjoy these moments, give myself grace in the moments where I’m stressed, and don’t take things too seriously. (I remind myself to) Have fun and keep loving my baby the best way I know how! At the end of the day, I was chosen to be her mama and that’s all that matters. Chandler Griffis, Onboarding Advisor – BG Multifamily

  • I became a new mom on May 27, 2020, and started with BGSF 3 months later. I had no idea how supported, encouraged, and acknowledged I would feel when I introduced myself and told everyone I was a new mom. My colleagues ask about my son often, I’ve made so many new mom friends (who give amazing advice), and the whole company truly cares for and supports working parents. As we approach Louie’s 1st birthday, I am overwhelmed with love for my family and appreciation for where I am in my personal and professional life.

Brittany Berrodin, Marketing Specialist, Professional – BGSF

We thank each of our moms who were willing to share with us. You inspire us daily by balancing multiple roles at once, enriching our lives with great values, and paving the way for the next generation of women who can do it all!

We see you; we appreciate you; we thank you. Happy Mother’s Day!

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