Division Professional Division, Zycron
February 7, 2020
Project Scenario:
The deployment of the ReCollect Solid Waste Management portfolio allows the City of Memphis residential customers to access and search for their solid waste collection days via www.memphistn.gov.
Waste Collection Calendar:
Recycling – cans, bottles, paper, containers, etc.
Yard Waste – shrubbery, leaves, grass, etc.
Garbage – bagged, wrapped, trash container
Outside the Cart collection – semi-monthly service, tree limbs, furniture, car tires, bikes, etc.
Waste Wizard – specific details on products, particles, object specific
Waste Sorting Game – Where and how to dispose items
Google Play and Apple Developer Programs – for Mobile App Users (Enrollment Required)
Schedule Specific
Customer friendly Calendar allows residents to plan better
Knowing When and Where to place What Items
Eliminates/cuts down on Trash sitting curbside for longer than necessary
Decrease vagrants and animal rummaging through
Increased Waste Diversion Stats:
200 tons of diversion recycling post Go-Live (May-June)
Improved Education with online monitoring
Project Outcomes:
Post Launch Statistics (May to mid-June):
10,113 New Households added
591 Printed Calendars
8,009 First Time Visitors