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Recruiter Tip: Don’t Let the Nerves Get to You

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Aswani Ayyala, Technical Recruiter with Vision Technology Services

It’s normal for people to be nervous during an interview, but being overly nervous might show a lack of confidence in your skills. I always tell my candidates to keep in mind that this is a two-way street. The candidate is also interviewing the managers / company to see if this would be a long-term fit for THEM, not just the other way around.

Asking questions about the team, the organization, the type of work they do, and their end goal is just as important as you answering each of the interview questions. This not only shows your interest in the organization, but it will provide clarity for you about the position and the company. Asking these questions will help you figure out if this is where you see yourself for years to come. The company needs to sell YOU on the job too!

Our entire Professional Division is here to assist you in your career journey! Please contact us anytime for additional support.

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