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4 Ways to Prepare to Accept a Job Offer

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Opportunities you want to pursue typically close just as quickly as they open. It’s a competitive market and a lot of other equally qualified candidates are chomping at the bit to hop on their next project. You’re not the only one being called about each project. The more quickly you move, the higher chance you have at getting submitted before the door closes.Timing is everything. So what can you do to be efficient when you are approached about an opportunity that interests you, as well as helping the process to go as smoothly as possible? Try these tips.

1. Have your updated resume, references, and other necessary information ready to be emailed as soon as you confirm your interest.

This is critical. Unfortunately, there have been circumstances in the past where there was a delay in receiving the required documents, which resulted in a candidate not receiving an interview. Have references that you reported to that can speak on the highlighted skills that pertain to the opportunity you are chasing. Of course, they will speak to your great character and work ethic, but they will also get asked about your abilities. It may be an individual who speaks very highly of you, but if they can’t discuss how you helped with ABC or XYZ, you run the risk of being disqualified.

2. Be ready to interview if asked.

We try our best to get our client’s qualified candidates within 24 to 48 hours. Quite often, they’ll want to set up phone or video interviews within a few days.

3. Know your work availability.

We will most likely ask you for your availability to interview upfront. Once you let us know, make sure you block off your personal calendars in case you are called upon.

4. Once you complete your interview, begin the decision-making process.

While you most likely won’t find out if you’re hired after that first phone or video meeting, start planning what you would like to do if you receive an offer. There aren’t many circumstances in this industry where you get much time to “think about it” if you receive an offer. Keep in mind, other qualified people interviewed as well, so the last thing we’d want for you is to lose a 100% chance of landing a job. If you’re prepared to accept (or decline) at a moment’s notice that will make all of the process much more manageable.

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