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Nail it: Interview Tips for Real Estate Professionals

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Whether you’re a seasoned real estate professional or a newbie looking to break into the industry, interviews can be nerve-wracking. With the real estate industry growing as quickly as it is, new positions (and new companies!) are cropping up almost weekly. Be prepared for your next step with our tried and true tips for impressing that HR representative and nailing that interview! 

  1. Do your research. There’s nothing more sweat-inducing than a question about the company or role that you’re applying for that you weren’t prepared for. Reading about the company, its divisions, its communities and investors is a great way to get familiar with the language and culture of the company you’re looking to work for. Additionally, reading through a job description multiple times is a surefire way to not be caught off-guard during an initial interview.

  2. Know what you bring to the table. Being interviewed is as much about getting to know the company as it is selling yourself and your worth. The interviewer wouldn’t waste time if they didn’t see potential in you! Have confidence in your skillset and come prepared with a list of topics that add more color to your resume: certifications, major projects, speaking engagements, etc. can all show a potential employer that you are aware of your value. 

  3. Dress the part. Whether a virtual interview or in-person, come dressed for the job! A good rule of thumb is that you can’t really be overdressed for an interview. Skip the ballgown though- a smart-looking suit jacket, dress pants, and understated heels is a perfect look for women. For men, a suit jacket, slacks, and tie is always a winning combination. Keep accessories on the conservative side and make sure your hair and nails are groomed.

  4. Make an impression. Greet the interviewer with a smile! If you’re on a phone interview, smile before answering a question- they can hear it in your voice! If you’re in person or on camera, sit up straight and place your shoulders back and away from your ears. Keep your arms uncrossed and your body relaxed. Things like fidgeting or bouncing your leg might make you feel better- but it can be distracting to the interviewer and might make them pay more attention to your movements than what you’re saying. 

  5. Come prepared. Having additional copies of your resume, a portfolio (if necessary) and any visual aids are usually helpful. If you know anyone who works for the company you are hoping to work for, ask them to give you a rundown of what the interview process looks like and what types of questions might be asked. Sites like will also give you a look into typical interview questions and salary benchmarks so you can practice answering questions and asking for that salary! 

  6. Always send a thank you! Whether or not you think the interview went well, always follow up with a thank you note or email to your interviewer. Express gratitude for their time in interviewing you and let them know that you look forward to hearing from them soon. It also sets the expectation that they will reach back out to you to (hopefully!) continue the interview process. 

  7. Ask questions. At the end of an interview, you’ll inevitably get asked “Do you have any questions for me?”. Be ready with some questions that will not only get you more information about the company but make you unforgettable! Questions like “What do YOU love most about working for this company?” or “Is there anything about my resume that concerns you?” are two great questions to open the door for continued conversation. And, if it hasn’t already been answered, questions like “What does a typical day in this role look like?” help paint a picture of what life at this particular company would look like. 

If you’re looking to break into the real estate industry, or if you’re looking to explore other opportunities with commercial real estate or multifamily owners or suppliers, BGSF can help. Visit us at and learn more about how we can connect you to your dream job! 

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