Resumes have been used for years and are an expected part of the job search process. You’ll almost always be asked for one. In the job market of 2020, there are so many ways to get your resume exposure. Research shows that about 80% of jobs are eventually filled through networking! There are endless possibilities of getting your resume in front of a client today, here are a couple of tips to follow.
Establish an online presence: Having an online presence will allow recruiters to find you on the internet. Create a profile in a social networking tool such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. You can also use these tools to research available positions in your current job market. Don’t mistake your online presence as a replacement for a resume. Online profiles are simply a networking tool that can assist you with marketing your resume.
Network your resume: Networking is about establishing relationships and sharing information, this can be a great way to circulate your resume. Focus on getting information and referrals from your contacts and then use that information to research and target your resume for an appropriate opportunity. If a contact does ask for your resume and offers to circulate it for you, follow up promptly and keep them posted on any meetings or offers that result from their referrals.
Post your resume wisely: Many job seekers focus on the big job boards like Monster.com. Explore niche or specialty job boards like Dice for technology. Sites like Indeed.com combine search results from job boards, company websites, professional associations, and other sources. Before posting your resume, be sure it is easy to read and that the design calls attention to key sections such as work experience and education. A well-designed resume reflects positively on your skills. Most importantly, make sure it is updated! Remember that your resume is your presentation to people who don’t know you, so make sure it’s a true representation.
It’s true that recruiters can now “Google” you as part of their search process. And tools like LinkedIn do allow you to create something like a resume, but you still need a physical-copy resume. Your resume’s main purpose is to get you an interview. While there’s a lot you can do with an online profile, a resume is still the easiest way to target specific jobs. It’s also portable! When you’re networking or at a job fair, for example, it’s nice to have a document you can pull out and share with others.
Your resume remains a key marketing document and an essential part of your job search toolkit. In fact, the work you do in preparing will serve you well in all your job search activities, networking, interviews, and beyond.