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Cyber Security and the Manufacturing Industry

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

The first question you may ask is “why is cybersecurity relevant to the manufacturing industry?” In the digital age that is the 21st century, almost everything is automated or at least computerized. Data is saved in online servers, tests are run in simulations, and more. And all the while, cybercriminals are becoming smarter, which means the manufacturing industry—one of the oldest industries in the country—must transform to protect itself. 

Still, aren’t sure? Here are five more reasons why you should invest in cybersecurity in the manufacturing industry.

Cybercrime is Rising

As the world becomes more technologically savvy, one guarantee is that cybercriminals are as well. Generations today were born into a tech world and they are comfortable with its constantly changing nature. So, with cybercriminals becoming more common and more data being saved online, it is no shock that crimes like these pose a serious threat to every industry.

Manufacturers are Valuable Targets

Manufacturing businesses specifically are significant targets for many reasons. Among the top reasons are the sheer size and necessity of the industry around the world. Proprietary data, prototypes, test results, automated processes, production, and more are all vulnerable when they are recorded and saved online. Even if the data stolen is not valuable or relevant on its own, it can be useful for ransom. Without proper security measures, these exclusive plans and processes are at risk for corporate espionage and corruption.

Cyberattacks Could Become More Severe

Due to the nature of the manufacturing industry, cyberattacks pose a huge risk to more than just one company. More often than not, these companies are part of a larger supply chain, so an attack on one will affect the entire line. The manufacturing process is more involved than ever as factory machinery, automation, and more are made to integrate seamlessly with each other, meaning the disruption of a single piece will cost every company and client connected to that supply chain a lot of money.

Modernized Factories Have More Entry Points

Factories that have bought into modern technologies are setting themselves up for a highly productive and profitable future. But, they must also be aware of the vulnerabilities that come along with it. Every tool, whether physical or digital, that is added to the automated, integrated toolbox is a potential point of entry unless properly protected. A cybersecurity team’s job is to guard these backdoors and sound the alarm if and when they are breached. Therefore, as a general rule, the more integrated a system is, the more robust the cybersecurity management system must be as well. 

The Industry Lacks Cybersecurity Experience

Call it a competitive advantage or self–preservation, but cybersecurity is a necessity with which just a few companies in the manufacturing industry have experience. And while the number of new adopters is rising quickly, it is vital to never overestimate your own measures of protection or underestimate the lengths cybercriminals are willing to take to get your data. Educating yourself and your employees on the most common forms of cyberattacks—such as phishing—and how to recognize potential threats is just as important as investing in a top-of-the-line cybersecurity team. 

A security-minded culture is one of the best defenses against cybercriminals. Emphasize caution and good judgment among your teams and use robust cybersecurity software in the equipment they use every day, and your company will be in the best position it can be to withstand the risks that a highly productive, automated, and integrated future brings to your door.

Looking to fortify your defenses? BGSF has what you need, from factory employees to cybersecurity professionals, and more. Reach out to a representative today and see how we can help you solve all your workforce problems!

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