Do your staffing skills leave something to be desired? If your last few hires haven’t been quite up to the task, consider contacting BGSF for assistance. The source for trusted recruiting, we specialize in helping businesses find great candidates while avoiding all the biggest staffing pitfalls. Here are five things to watch out for when hiring for your next open position:
Awkward Body Language
No one’s claiming that every new hire needs the grace and poise of a prima ballerina. However, awkward body language can be a sign that a candidate lacks the confidence needed to succeed in a new position. Additionally, avoiding eye contact can indicate that an applicant lied about something on his or her application and may be unable to do the job in question.
Lack of Questions
Employers love to ask if the interviewee has questions for them, and with good reason. The savvy job candidate does his homework before applying for a position, researching basic product and service offerings and new developments at the company. Turn the tables on your potential hire to see if he or she is up to the task.
Is your prospective employee a true team player? While most applicants are wise enough to turn on the charm with the hiring manager, they may be less careful with receptionists and other colleagues. Job candidates who treat lower-level workers with disrespect will likely demonstrate the same behavior with your customers and clients down the line.
Gaps in a Resume
There are plenty of good reasons to take time off from work. However, repeated or prolonged resume gaps could indicate a problem with a candidate’s performance or work ethic. Ask about blank spots in a candidate’s career history to make sure the issue isn’t one that will affect your business in the months and years to come.
Flaky Communication
Unless you operate a monastery, where workers take frequent vows of silence, a good employee is also a good communicator. Before agreeing to hire a candidate, assess their written and oral communication skills. A worker who cannot write a coherent thank you email after that interview may not serve your company’s needs for the long haul.