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  • Recognizing Disability Pride Month

    Disability Pride Month is celebrated annually in July, commemorating the anniversary of the signing of the  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  in 1990. At BGSF, we recognize the contributions and rights of individuals with disabilities and strive to provide inclusive and accessible hiring practices that benefit everyone. According to the  Centers for Disease Control , one in four U.S. adults – 61 million Americans – have a disability that impacts major life activities. Globally, an estimated 1.3 billion people have a significant disability which is 16% of the global population, or one in six people according to the World Health Organization . It is our responsibility to continually educate ourselves on disability rights and inclusive practices for all. This will foster empathy and understanding while bringing awareness about people’s lives, ambitions, biases, fears, motivations, and challenges. Ways to Honor Disability Pride Month Establish Employee Resource Groups (ERGs):  Create or support ERGs to provide a supportive network, share experiences, and offer insights on improving the workplace for those with disabilities. Our DE&I Council,  VIIBE  ( Voices Inspiring Inclusion, Belonging, & Equity ), established in 2020, continuously shares resources internally to bring awareness and education to our team members. Inclusive Recruiting and Hiring Practices:  Review and update hiring practices to promote inclusivity. Focus on attracting and recruiting candidates with disabilities and ensure the hiring process is accessible to everyone. We invite our employees and candidates to show up as their authentic selves each day, ensuring that BGSF is cultivating both equality and equity, while recognizing and celebrating our differences at work, in our homes, and in our communities. Celebrate Employee Contributions:  As a leader, it is important to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of employees with disabilities ( with permission ). You inspire others and foster a more inclusive workplace by highlighting their successes and achievements, including ways they have overcome challenges. Provide Flexible Work Policies:  Flexible work arrangements are often essential to accommodating the unique needs of employees with disabilities. This may include flexible hours, remote work options, specific equipment, or other adaptations to create a more equitable work environment. Accessibility in Marketing:  Marketing materials should be inclusive and considerate of individuals with disabilities. At BGSF, we strive to ensure that our materials reflect our vision of connecting people with opportunities that help fulfill their life’s mission and transform lives, using diverse individuals and inclusive language that aligns with our values. Raise Awareness:  Use your network to raise awareness about disability rights and the importance of an inclusive workplace by sharing educational content from the ADA. Disability inclusion is an ongoing effort that should be a focus year round. We invite you to join our efforts by taking proactive steps that foster an inclusive workplace to create a more diverse, equitable, and supportive environment for everyone. Be intentional and remember that every action can have a huge and positive impact on our work culture and the quality of life of our teammates. Connect with us at  and learn more about what we  value .

  • Challenges and Solutions in Centralizing Property Management Services

    The field of property management has experienced a notable evolution, particularly due to the rising integration of technology and centralized management platforms. Centralizing property management services offers numerous benefits, including streamlined operations, enhanced resident satisfaction, and improved financial performance. However, the path to centralization is not without its challenges. Let's explore the key challenges Property Managers face when centralizing their services as well as some practical solutions to overcome them. Challenges in Centralizing Property Management Services Resistance to Change:  Transitioning from decentralized to centralized management can meet resistance from staff accustomed to existing processes. Employees might fear job redundancy and layoffs or feel overwhelmed by new technologies and workflows. Integration of Systems:  Property management often relies on various software systems for leasing, maintenance, accounting, and communication. Integrating these disparate systems into a cohesive, centralized platform can be complex and costly. Data Management and Security:  Centralizing services involves consolidating vast amounts of data from multiple properties. Ensuring the security and privacy of this data while maintaining accurate and up-to-date records is a significant challenge. Training and Adaptation:  Staff must be trained to use new centralized systems effectively. This requires time, resources, and a comprehensive training program to ensure all team members are proficient. Scalability:  As property portfolios grow, the centralized system must scale accordingly. Ensuring the system can handle increased volume without compromising performance is crucial. Maintaining Local Expertise:  Centralized management can sometimes lead to a disconnect between the central office and local property nuances. Maintaining local expertise and understanding unique property characteristics is essential for effective management. Solutions for Overcoming Centralization Challenges Change Management Strategies:  Implement a structured change management plan that includes clear communication about the benefits of centralization, regular updates, and support systems. Involve employees in the process to reduce resistance and build a sense of ownership. Robust Integration Framework:  Invest in a robust integration framework that allows different systems to communicate seamlessly. Consider using middleware solutions that facilitate data exchange and ensure compatibility between existing and new systems. Advanced Data Security Measures:   Implement advanced data security measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. Use centralized data management platforms that offer real-time updates and automatic backups to maintain data integrity. Comprehensive Training Programs:  Develop or utilize existing comprehensive training programs tailored to different roles within the organization. Provide continuous learning opportunities and create a support network where employees can seek help and share best practices. Scalable Infrastructure:  Choose a centralized management system that is scalable and can accommodate growth. Cloud-based solutions often offer the flexibility and scalability needed to handle expanding property portfolios. Hybrid Management Approach:  Adopt a hybrid approach that combines centralized management with local expertise. Maintain local Property Managers or liaisons who can provide on-the-ground insights and ensure that local nuances are considered in decision-making. The Future of Centralization Centralizing property management services presents a pathway to increased efficiency, enhanced resident satisfaction, and better financial outcomes. While the challenges are significant, they are not insurmountable. By implementing thoughtful strategies and leveraging technology, Property Managers can successfully transition to a centralized model, reaping the benefits while mitigating potential drawbacks. For Property Managers looking to navigate this complex process, external staffing support can provide the necessary expertise and resources to ensure a smooth transition. Contact BGSF to request talent today!

  • Integrating Employee Feedback into Leadership Strategies for Organizational Success

    In an ever-evolving and competitive business environment, integrating employee feedback into leadership strategies is essential for creating a positive work culture and achieving organizational success. Janel Hunt, Executive Vice President of Human Resources at BGSF, highlights, "Employee feedback is a powerful tool that, when used effectively, can enhance engagement, productivity, and overall workplace culture." By following these best practices, organizations can ensure that feedback is collected, acknowledged, and leveraged to its fullest potential. Integrating Employee Feedback: Best Practices Creating a Safe Environment for Feedback The foundation of effective feedback integration is creating a safe environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts without fear of repercussions. This involves building a culture of trust and respect. When employees know their voices are valued and their feedback will be acted upon, they are more likely to contribute honest and constructive input. Utilizing Multiple Feedback Channels and Technology Different employees prefer different ways of communicating. To ensure that all voices are heard, it’s crucial to use multiple feedback channels. Surveys, social media, discussion platforms, and face-to-face meetings all provide various opportunities for employees to share their thoughts in a way that suits them best. This comprehensive approach ensures that feedback is collected from diverse perspectives within the organization. Technology can also significantly streamline the feedback process. Tools like feedback software and communication platforms facilitate the timely collection and analysis of feedback. Technology helps maintain the momentum of continuous listening and action by ensuring that all comments are addressed promptly. Embracing Continuous Listening and Timely Feedback Continuous listening involves regularly gathering and acting on employee feedback. This can be achieved through formal methods like pulse surveys and informal approaches such as regular check-ins and open-door policies. By maintaining an ongoing dialogue, leaders can stay attuned to employee sentiments and address issues promptly, fostering a more responsive and adaptive work environment. Feedback is most effective when it is timely, specific, and actionable. Addressing issues as they arise not only resolves immediate concerns but also promotes a culture of continuous improvement. Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of feedback strategies and making necessary adjustments ensures that the feedback process remains relevant and impactful over time. This adaptive approach helps organizations stay aligned with their evolving needs and expectations. Involving Employees in Decision-Making Involving employees in decision-making processes by co-creating solutions based on their feedback empowers them and ensures that the solutions are practical and well-received. This collaborative approach not only leverages the collective wisdom of the team but also enhances buy-in and commitment to the implemented changes. Communicating the Value of Feedback and Training Leaders Transparency is key to building trust in the feedback process. Clearly communicating how employee feedback will be used and the impact it has on the organization demonstrates that their input is valued. This transparency encourages more open and honest feedback, creating a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement. Effective feedback also requires skilled leadership. Providing training for leaders on how to give and receive feedback, listen actively, provide constructive criticism, and act on suggestions is essential. Well-trained leaders can foster a supportive environment where feedback is seen as an opportunity for growth rather than criticism. Recognizing and Rewarding Feedback Contributions Acknowledging and rewarding employees who provide valuable feedback can motivate others to share their insights. Recognition reinforces the importance of feedback and demonstrates that the organization values and acts on employee contributions. The Future of Employee Feedback By implementing these best practices, organizations can effectively incorporate employee feedback into their leadership strategies. This integration allows leaders to address concerns, acknowledge valuable suggestions, and make informed decisions that reflect the collective input of their workforce. As Hunt emphasizes, "Integrating employee feedback into leadership strategies not only enhances engagement and productivity but also builds a culture of trust and continuous improvement." When employees see their feedback being taken seriously and acted upon, it fosters a sense of belonging and ownership, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and retention rates. Additionally, a feedback-rich environment encourages open communication and innovation, as employees feel more comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives. To learn more about fostering a positive workplace culture and how to leverage employee feedback for organizational success, connect with BGSF today.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Microsoft’s 2024 Vision and Its Impact

    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are not just buzzwords; they are transformative forces reshaping industries by driving unprecedented innovation, enhancing operational efficiency, and unlocking new opportunities across various sectors. As we progress through 2024, Microsoft is leading the charge in this technological revolution with substantial investments aimed at fully leveraging the potential of these technologies. Their multifaceted AI and ML strategy reflects a comprehensive approach to driving progress and addressing complex challenges. Microsoft’s AI and ML Strategy: A Closer Look Pioneering Innovation and Technology Microsoft is pushing the envelope in AI technology by enhancing systems that understand and interpret natural language and visual information. Their efforts are geared towards making human-computer interactions more intuitive and efficient. By advancing natural language processing and computer vision, Microsoft aims to create more fluid and productive interactions between people and technology. Additionally, the company is making strides in quantum computing—a frontier technology that promises to tackle complex problems in fields such as cryptography, materials science, and beyond. This exploration into quantum computing is expected to open new avenues for solving intricate challenges that traditional computing methods struggle with. Strategic Partnerships and Acquisitions Collaboration plays a crucial role in Microsoft’s AI strategy. The company is forging strong partnerships with leading institutions like MIT and OpenAI, fostering a collaborative environment that accelerates AI innovation. These partnerships are designed to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve. Moreover, Microsoft’s strategic acquisitions, such as the purchase of Nuance Communications, are pivotal in integrating advanced AI capabilities into their products. This acquisition is particularly impactful in sectors like healthcare and customer support, where sophisticated AI can significantly enhance service delivery and operational efficiency. Integrating AI into Everyday Products Microsoft’s vision extends to seamlessly embedding AI into everyday products and services. Through Azure AI Services, Microsoft is democratizing access to AI tools, enabling businesses across various sectors to harness the power of AI . AI features embedded in Microsoft 365 and GitHub Copilot are designed to enhance productivity and creativity. These integrations make AI an integral part of daily tasks, streamlining workflows and empowering users to achieve more with less effort. Commitment to Ethical AI Development Ethical considerations are at the heart of Microsoft’s AI initiatives. The company is dedicated to developing AI that is not only powerful but also fair, transparent, and secure. Projects like the Seeing AI app and Project Tokyo exemplify this commitment by improving accessibility and inclusivity. These initiatives are particularly focused on supporting individuals with disabilities, ensuring that AI advancements contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society. Advancing Health and Environmental Sustainability Microsoft’s investments in AI are making significant strides in both healthcare and environmental sustainability. Project InnerEye is revolutionizing the field of medical diagnostics and treatment planning, providing healthcare professionals with advanced tools to improve patient outcomes. Simultaneously, the AI for Earth program is addressing critical environmental issues, such as agriculture and climate change, by leveraging AI to develop solutions that promote sustainability and resilience. Fostering Future Research and Education Looking ahead, Microsoft is investing in AI research and education through platforms like AI University. This initiative aims to nurture the next generation of AI professionals, ensuring that future talent is equipped with the skills and knowledge to drive ongoing advancements in the field. The company’s AI for Good initiative further underscores its commitment to leveraging AI for societal benefit, addressing global challenges, and contributing to the betterment of communities around the world. BGSF/Arroyo’s Approach to AI Integration At BGSF and Arroyo Consulting, we are embracing AI technology across three pivotal areas: our products, our processes, and our people. We have integrated AI modules into our main products to enhance performance and improve the customer experience. In addition to product integration, we have tailored our development and customer service models to align with our generative and cognitive AI advancements. This ensures that we maintain the high quality our clients expect while adapting to the evolving demands of AI technology. Furthermore, we are committed to executing AI implementation effectively across all departments, ensuring that both technical and non-technical personnel are equipped to leverage these advancements. Our approach guarantees that AI integration is seamless and impactful, driving progress across our organization and delivering value to our clients.

  • Handling High Turnover Rates: Strategies for Managing Summer Move-Ins and Move-Outs

    Managing high turnover rates during the summer can be a challenging yet crucial task for multifamily Property Managers. With a surge in move-ins and move-outs, effective strategies are essential to ensure smooth operations and resident satisfaction. Here are some proven strategies to navigate this busy season. Strategies for Managing Summer Move-Ins and Move-Outs Streamline the Move-Out Process Summer move-outs can create a logistical challenge. To streamline the process you should prioritize: Early Communication : Encourage residents to provide notice well in advance to facilitate scheduling. Pre-Move-Out Inspections : Conduct thorough inspections to identify necessary repairs or maintenance tasks. Fast Turnaround : Aim for quick turnaround times between move-outs and move-ins to minimize vacancy periods. Efficient Turnover Maintenance Efficient turnover maintenance is key to preparing units for new residents promptly: Checklists and Protocols : Develop detailed checklists for cleaning, repairs, and inspections to ensure nothing is overlooked. Vendor Relationships : Maintain relationships with reliable contractors and vendors for swift repairs and renovations. Quality Control : Implement quality control measures to ensure units meet high standards before new residents move in. Proactive Marketing and Leasing To minimize vacancy periods and attract new residents , Property Managers should focus on: Early Advertising : Start marketing available units early to secure new residents before current leases expire. Incentives : Offer move-in specials or incentives to attract prospective residents during the competitive summer season. Virtual Tours : Utilize virtual tours and online marketing tools to showcase properties to potential residents who may be relocating from afar. Enhance the Resident Experience Reduce turnover rates by enhancing the resident experience: Responsive Communication : Maintain open lines of communication with residents throughout their lease term. Resident Retention Programs : Implement retention programs such as renewal incentives or personalized customer service. Community Engagement : Foster a sense of community through events or amenities that enhance resident satisfaction and loyalty. Leverage Technology Technology can streamline operations and improve efficiency through: Property Management Software : Utilize software for lease tracking, maintenance requests, and communication with residents. Smart Home Technology : Consider implementing smart home features that appeal to modern residents and improve property management efficiency. External Staffing and Support Ensure your team is well-prepared and sufficiently staffed to manage turnovers through specialized staffing support. BGSF offers access to a diverse pool of qualified property management professionals who can seamlessly step in to support during times of high turnover. Whether it's Leasing Consultants, Maintenance Technicians, or Administrative Staff, BGSF can match Property Managers with skilled individuals who meet their specific needs in a cost-effective, scalable manner. Managing Turnover This Summer Effectively managing high turnover rates during the summer requires proactive planning, efficient processes, and a focus on resident satisfaction. By implementing these strategies, multifamily Property Managers can navigate the challenges of summer move-ins and move-outs while maintaining operational excellence and resident retention. With our support, Property Managers can navigate the busy summer season with confidence. Contact us  to learn more!

  • Boost Your Real Estate Leads: How AI is Transforming Lead Generation in Multifamily

    The multifamily property management sector is fast-paced and competitive, requiring innovative approaches and the latest technology to stay ahead. From the realm of PropTech , Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing technology within the industry. By adopting AI, property management companies are revolutionizing their lead generation strategies, enhancing operational efficiency, and improving resident satisfaction. Let’s examine how AI is reshaping lead generation in multifamily property management. Utilizing AI in Multifamily Lead Generation Enhanced Data Analysis and Insights AI-driven tools excel at analyzing vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. For multifamily Property Managers, this means the ability to process and analyze data from various sources such as social media, online listings, and resident reviews. AI algorithms can identify patterns and trends, providing valuable insights into potential residents' preferences, behaviors, and needs. This data-driven approach enables Property Managers to tailor their marketing strategies more effectively. Automated Lead Scoring Lead scoring is a crucial aspect of the lead generation process, as it helps Property Managers prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert. AI-powered systems can automatically score leads by evaluating their interactions with marketing materials, website visits, and engagement with social media content. This automation saves time and ensures that the most promising leads are identified and pursued promptly, increasing the chances of successful conversions. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming indispensable tools for multifamily property management. These intelligent assistants can engage with potential residents in real time, answering inquiries, providing property information, and even scheduling tours. By offering 24/7 support, chatbots ensure that no lead goes unattended, enhancing the overall resident experience and capturing leads that might otherwise be missed. Predictive Analytics Predictive analytics is another powerful application of AI in lead generation. By analyzing historical data and current market trends, AI can predict future behaviors and market conditions. For multifamily Property Managers, this means the ability to anticipate resident demand, adjust rental rates dynamically, and optimize marketing campaigns for maximum impact. Predictive analytics also helps in identifying potential issues before they become problems, allowing for proactive management. Personalized Marketing Campaigns Personalization is key to effective marketing, and AI makes it possible to create highly personalized campaigns at scale. AI can analyze individual resident data to craft tailored marketing messages that resonate with potential customers. From personalized email campaigns to targeted social media ads, AI ensures that each prospect receives relevant and engaging content, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Streamlined CRM Integration Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are essential for managing lead and resident interactions. AI enhances CRM systems by automating data entry, updating lead information in real time, and providing actionable insights. This integration streamlines the lead management process, ensuring that Property Managers have up-to-date information and can focus on building relationships with potential residents. Cost Efficiency Implementing AI in lead generation can significantly reduce costs associated with traditional marketing methods. Automated processes and AI-driven insights mean fewer resources are needed for manual data analysis, lead scoring, and customer interactions. This cost efficiency allows Property Managers to allocate their budgets more effectively, investing in areas that yield the highest returns and improve overall resident satisfaction. The Future of Lead Generation The multifamily property management industry is experiencing a significant transformation with the advent of AI. From enhanced data analysis and predictive analytics to personalized marketing campaigns and automated lead scoring, AI is revolutionizing the way Property Managers generate and manage leads. By embracing AI, property management companies can stay competitive, improve resident experiences, and drive higher conversion rates. As technology continues to evolve, the role of AI in multifamily property management will undoubtedly become even more integral, paving the way for a more efficient and effective lead-generation process. As a leader in both property management staffing  and IT consulting services , BGSF is uniquely positioned to help you design, implement, and maintain your AI and PropTech strategies. Find out more!

  • Closing the Books This Summer: Leveraging Consulting and Specialized Staffing Expertise

    This summer, many businesses find themselves at the crucial juncture of closing their fiscal year-end books. This period is pivotal for ensuring financial accuracy, compliance, and strategic planning. For companies whose fiscal years end in the summer, leveraging consulting and specialized staffing expertise can make this process smoother and more efficient. The Importance of a Smooth Year-End Close A smooth year-end close is essential for several reasons: Financial Accuracy : Ensures all financial transactions are correctly recorded and reconciled. Compliance : Meets regulatory requirements and deadlines, avoiding penalties. Strategic Planning : Provides a clear financial picture to inform next year's budgeting and strategy. Challenges of Summer Year-End Closes Closing the books at the end of the fiscal year can be particularly challenging during the summer. Full-time staff vacations and PTO can lead to resource shortages, making it difficult to maintain daily productivity on top of closing tasks. Additionally, increased business activity during this period often results in a higher volume of transactions that need to be recorded and reconciled. Furthermore, ensuring compliance with ever-evolving financial regulations can be daunting, adding another layer of complexity to the year-end close process. The Role of Specialized Staffing Workforce solutions firms, like BGSF, can provide project-based consultants with the specific skills needed for a successful year-end close: Temporary Accountants and Auditors : Hiring experienced accounting professionals on a temporary basis can help fill gaps caused by vacationing staff and/or increased workloads. Financial Analysts : Financial experts can assist in financial reporting and analysis, ensuring accuracy and compliance. Project Managers : Professional Project Managers can oversee the entire closing process, ensuring timely completion and coordination among teams. Practical Steps for a Successful Summer Year-End Close To leverage consulting and specialized staffing effectively, consider the following steps: Early Planning : Start planning for your year-end close well in advance. Identify the key tasks and deadlines, and determine where external help will be most beneficial. Temporary Workforce Support : Partner with a reputable workforce solutions firm, like BGSF, to source qualified professionals. Our team can help you find candidates who are a strong cultural fit for your team, with relevant experience and a strong work ethic, quickly and efficiently. Communication : Maintain clear communication between your internal team, consultants, and temporary staff. Regular updates and check-ins can help keep everyone aligned and on track. Technology Utilization : Leverage technology to streamline processes. Use accounting software and project management tools to track progress and manage tasks efficiently. Review and Adjust : After closing the books, conduct a review to identify what went well and areas for improvement for the next fiscal year. Closing the Books Closing the books at the end of the fiscal year is a critical task that requires meticulous attention to detail and careful planning. If that falls during the busy summer months you can leverage consulting and specialized staffing to navigate this process more efficiently, ensuring financial accuracy, compliance, and strategic readiness for the coming year. By partnering with BGSF, companies can access the expertise, resources, and support they need to navigate year-end closing and other strategic finance and accounting projects. Contact us today!

  • Cybersecurity in the Age of Remote Work: Protecting Your Company and Employees

    As the landscape of work continues to evolve, the shift towards remote work has brought about numerous benefits, including increased flexibility, improved work-life balance, and access to a broader talent pool. However, this transformation has also introduced significant cybersecurity challenges that companies must address to protect their data, systems, and dispersed employees. The shift to remote work has introduced new vulnerabilities, making it essential for businesses to prioritize cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data and maintain operational efficiency. Key Cybersecurity Challenges Increased Attack Surface : Remote work expands the attack surface for cyber threats. Remote employees access company resources from a variety of locations and devices, creating multiple entry points for potential attacks. Home Network Security : Home networks often lack the robust security measures of corporate networks, making them vulnerable to attacks. Employees may connect to unsecured Wi-Fi networks or use outdated routers, increasing the risk of unauthorized access. Phishing and Social Engineering: Phishing attacks have become much more sophisticated, targeting remote workers who may be more vulnerable due to the lack of direct IT support. Attackers exploit the distractions and vulnerabilities present in home environments to deceive employees into revealing sensitive information or downloading malware. Data Privacy : With the rise of remote work, many companies, including BGSF, have moved their operations to the cloud, opening multiple entry points for attacks. "Implementing Microsoft Teams has been part of the company’s cloud migration to an Azure platform, which has also eliminated the need for almost all the company’s on-premises servers," Nycole Rosen, BGSF's Chief Information Officer explains . This migration to cloud services, while beneficial, also requires stringent security measures to protect sensitive data. Access Management : Managing and monitoring access to corporate networks and resources becomes complex in a remote work environment. Organizations need robust authentication mechanisms and access controls to prevent unauthorized access and maintain data integrity. Employee Awareness and Training: Remote workers need to be adequately trained in cybersecurity best practices, which can be difficult when relying on working to complete this training on their own and within a certain timeframe. Strategies for Enhancing Cybersecurity Advanced Security Technologies: Investing in advanced security technologies such as endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and secure access service edge (SASE) solutions can provide robust protection against cyber threats. Regular Security Audits: Conducting regular security audits and vulnerability assessments can help identify and address potential weaknesses in the system. This proactive approach ensures that security measures are up-to-date and effective in countering emerging threats. Robust Authentication Mechanisms and Access Controls: Organizations need robust authentication mechanisms and access controls to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data integrity, and ensure secure access to company resources. Therefore, multi-factor authentication (MFA) and virtual private networks (VPNs) have become essential tools in safeguarding these remote connections. While these changes can be irritating to employees, they are essential for security. "Being in tech for 20 years, I understand that change, especially of this magnitude, can be hard on end users." Rosen acknowledges. However, implementing user-friendly security solutions can help in achieving compliance and reducing resistance to new protocols. Comprehensive Training Programs: Educating employees about recognizing and responding to possible cyber threats is crucial in mitigating risk. Regular training sessions on cybersecurity best practices and updates on the latest threats can empower employees to act as the first line of defense. This includes recognizing phishing attempts, using secure communication tools, and understanding their role in maintaining overall cybersecurity hygiene. Addressing Opportunities and Challenges The age of remote work presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses. By adopting a proactive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, companies can protect their assets and ensure the safety of their employees. As Nycole Rosen aptly puts it, "Helping people see the value of change with better tools and more efficiency is key to successful adoption." Embracing this mindset will be crucial in navigating the evolving landscape of remote work and cybersecurity.

  • Natasha Davis named to SIA’s 40 Under 40 - The Americas 2024 List

    BGSF, Inc. (   NYSE: BGSF   ), a growing provider of consulting, managed services, and professional workforce solutions proudly announces that Natasha Davis , Managing Director of Operations in our Property Management division, has been recognized on Staffing Industry Analysts' (SIA) 2024 40 Under 40  - The Americas list .  The eighth-annual 40 Under 40 list spotlights the next generation of leaders in the staffing and workforce solutions community, acknowledging their significant contributions. The list celebrates the bold professionals who contribute to the balance of technological innovation and efficiency with human connection and collaboration. We are so proud that Natasha is a part of our team, and are grateful for her leadership and values. Natasha is committed to empowering others by providing them with the right opportunities. She emphasizes, "People are not numbers. In pursuit of profit, we must not forget to care for each other because looking out for one another makes us human." Since joining BGSF in 2021, her passion and leadership have had a remarkable impact on team development, culture, and performance, resulting in several promotions, including team member advancements. In addition, she was the recipient of BGSF's 2023 Diamond Club Award for embodying the company's values and influencing the culture. Beth Garvey, CEO, President, and Chair of BGSF , adds, "Natasha's recognition on SIA's 40 Under 40 list is a testament to her dedication, innovation, and leadership in our Property Management division. Her commitment to fostering a supportive and dynamic workplace environment extends beyond our organization. She was a winner of the 2023 American Staffing Association Women in Leadership scholarship, is involved with the ASA mentor match program, and is a member of the nonprofit organization WOCIS (Women of Color in Staffing) , which provides a platform for women of color in the staffing industry and their allies to discuss current industry issues. We are incredibly proud of Natasha's accomplishments and look forward to her continued contributions to our team's success." Click to read more about Natasha: Natasha Davis | Staffing Industry Analysts About BGSF BGSF provides consulting, managed services and professional workforce solutions to a variety of industries through its various divisions in IT, Finance & Accounting, Managed Solutions, and Property Management. BGSF has integrated several regional and national brands achieving scalable growth. The Company was ranked by Staffing Industry Analysts as the 97th largest U.S. staffing company and the 49th largest IT staffing firm in 2024. The Company’s disciplined acquisition philosophy, which builds value through both financial growth and the retention of unique and dedicated talent within BGSF’s family of companies, has resulted in a seasoned management team with strong tenure and the ability to offer exceptional service to our field talent and client partners while building value for investors. BGSF is a nationwide leader in strategic workforce solutions, placing over 30,000 people with 9,000+ clients annually across the U.S.   For more information on the Company and its services, please visit its website at .  About SIA Founded in 1989, SIA is the global advisor on staffing and workforce solutions. Their proprietary research covers all categories of employed and non-employed work including temporary staffing, independent contracting, and other types of contingent labor. SIA’s independent and objective analysis provides insights into the services and suppliers operating in the workforce solutions ecosystem including staffing firms, managed service providers, recruitment process outsourcers, payrolling/compliance firms, and talent acquisition technology specialists such as vendor management systems, online staffing platforms, crowdsourcing, and online work services. For more information, visit .

  • Transforming Business Operations: How BGSF Leverages Microsoft AI and Azure Cloud Technologies for Unmatched Client Success

    Businesses are consistently striving to optimize their operations, streamline processes, and deliver unparalleled value to their customers in an increasingly digital world. BGSF, a prominent provider of workforce solutions, has leveraged Microsoft AI and Azure Cloud Technologies to help our clients meet these objectives, fostering innovation, efficiency, and success. Harnessing the Power of Microsoft for Clients Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a cornerstone of modern business strategy, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions, automate repetitive tasks, and improve customer experiences. BGSF has successfully integrated Microsoft AI to deliver powerful solutions that benefit our clients in multiple ways. Revolutionizing Recruitment for Clients One of the most significant applications of AI at BGSF is in recruitment. By leveraging Azure AI services, BGSF has developed sophisticated algorithms to help clients sift through vast amounts of candidate data and identify the best matches for job openings. This advanced AI-driven recruitment process ensures higher quality hires, reducing turnover and improving overall satisfaction. Enhancing Productivity with Microsoft Copilot BGSF has integrated Microsoft Copilot into both the digital solution development teams and the non-technical operational and administrative staff for a number of clients, leading to a dramatic increase in productivity. Microsoft Copilot, integrated within various Microsoft applications, significantly enhances productivity through a combination of advanced AI capabilities and seamless integration with Microsoft 365. Copilot allows for intelligent assistance and automation, enhanced communication and collaboration, data insights and analysis, knowledge management, and more.   Facilitating Efficient Access to Documents BGSF has utilized the technologies available in Microsoft Azure AI Services, specifically the Open AI services, to increase our client’s overall productivity for repetitive tasks related to document search and retrieval, allowing employees to spend more time on higher-value tasks. The introduction of GPTs and RAG agents enabled quicker and more accurate indexing and retrieval of documents, reducing search times from minutes to seconds, and improving operational efficiency and decision-making. Also, enhanced indexing and data retrieval facilitated smoother communication between teams and offices globally, supporting collaboration and coordination.   Generating Legal Documents Quickly BGSF has helped clients reduce time spent on data entry and document formatting through OCR solutions, leveraging Azure AI Vision Services, for the automatic generation of contracts and legal documents. Clients have experienced a significant increase in productivity as attorneys and staff are now able to generate contracts and legal documents automatically, reducing the time spent on manual data entry and document formatting. The use of Azure AI Vision's OCR capabilities ensures high accuracy in data extraction, minimizing the risk of human error and significantly reducing the time required to generate and process contracts and legal documents, enabling businesses to meet their client demands more quickly, and greatly improving client satisfaction.   Partnering with BGSF and Microsoft BGSF’s strategic integration of Microsoft AI and Azure Cloud Technologies has propelled our clients toward greater efficiency, innovation, and productivity. By harnessing the transformative power of AI, BGSF has revolutionized recruitment processes, boosted operational productivity with Microsoft Copilot, and streamlined document management with advanced indexing and OCR capabilities. These innovations not only enhance day-to-day operations but also drive significant business outcomes, ensuring that our clients remain competitive in an increasingly digital world. As BGSF continues to leverage cutting-edge technology, we are committed to delivering unparalleled value and fostering continuous improvement for our clients. Contact us to learn more!

  • Celebrating World Emoji Day: Results of our LinkedIn Poll

    In celebration of World Emoji Day , July 17th, we invited our followers to 'express' themselves by sharing their thoughts on emojis in business communications, taking a closer look at the role of these expressive symbols in today's work environment. According to  Adobe 's Future of Creativity: 2022 U.S. Emoji Trend Report, 71% of survey respondents use emojis in the workplace, and 68% like when their colleagues use emojis in work communication. The Poll Question We asked our 249K+ followers, "Are emojis acceptable in business communications?" The response options included the following: Yes, I love them! Depends on the industry. Only in certain contexts. No, I prefer formal messages. Poll Results With a total of 673  votes, the results are as follows: Only in certain contexts came in with the majority of the votes with 48% . Yes, I love them was second with 19% of the votes. No, I prefer formal messages was third with 17% of the votes. Depends on the industry was last with 16% of the votes. Analyzing the Results The poll results show that most of our followers agree that emojis are acceptable in business communications in certain contexts . Below are some key takeaways: Only in Certain Contexts The use of emojis can be a benefit to business communications in certain contexts. According to Forbes , it's important to consider the context before sending an emoji. Does the emoji fit the nature of the conversation, and will the message recipient understand? Be mindful of the professional hierarchy within your organization and the nature of your relationship with the recipient, ensuring that your message is well-received and understood. Yes, I Love Them! Team members who love emojis understand and appreciate how these expressive little symbols foster camaraderie and community among coworkers. According to Forbes , this is especially true when used during virtual meetings, as emojis can help bridge that gap between the energy of an in-person meeting versus a virtual one, creating a shared emotional connection between team members. No, I Prefer Formal Messages We understand that emoji meanings can be confusing, especially between generations and cultures, which may lead to misunderstandings and unclear communication. According to , individuals often interpret emojis based on their personal experiences, so an emojji with streaming tears could indicate that you found something hilarious, or that you're upset, leading to confusion and a disconnect. In addition, younger generations and social media users continually adapt the meanings of emojis and how we use them ( ), making messages even more difficult to interpret. Emojis are a relatively new form of communication, gaining popularity worldwide in the 2010s when Unicode began encoding emojis into the Unicode Standard. Therefore, someone from an earlier generation may view the user as less competent simply because they were expecting a more traditional correspondence. Depends on the Industry As with all communication, certain standards are expected and accepted. In casual settings, such as social conversations and informal correspondence, it's common to use casual language and emojis. However, in industries like government, law, and healthcare , emojis are not recommended in business communications, as they can make the matter seem less serious. Implications for Employees and Employers In our ever-evolving workplace, always consider the following when using emojis in communications: Audience , Content , Context , and Culture . In the digital fast lane, emojis can help you get your point across quickly, c onveying messages and feelings that people may not feel comfortable expressing in words. Communication isn’t just about words; it’s about connecting on an emotional level and building rapport. When you don’t know the right things to say, emojis gives us options ( Divine ). Emojis help us bridge the emotional gap and express our feelings in a simple way, bringing that human touch back to our increasingly digital world. BGSF can help you 'express' yourself with a new career or new opportunity! Whether you are looking for a permanent or contract role or need assistance with your talent search, we are here to help. Search our jobs  or  contact us  today!

  • Managing Increased Foot Traffic in Commercial Properties During the Summer

    Summer often brings a significant increase in foot traffic to commercial properties. With people taking vacations, shopping for seasonal items, or simply enjoying the warm weather, managing this surge effectively is crucial for maintaining tenant satisfaction, ensuring safety, and protecting the property. Here are some strategies to help commercial Property Managers handle the seasonal influx smoothly. Strategies for Managing Increased Foot Traffic Optimize Cleaning and Maintenance Schedules: Higher foot traffic can lead to more wear and tear on floors, restrooms, and common areas. Increase the frequency of cleaning and maintenance routines to ensure these areas remain clean and inviting. Consider adding extra staff during peak hours to address immediate issues and maintain high standards of cleanliness. BGSF can help you scale your staff for peak times, without the hassle of hiring full-time staff. Learn more here! Enhance Security Measures: With more visitors on the property, security becomes even more critical. Review and upgrade your security protocols to handle the increased flow of people. This may include hiring additional security personnel, increasing the frequency of patrols, and installing more surveillance cameras in high-traffic areas. Also, it is critical to ensure that all emergency exits are accessible and clearly marked. Improve Signage and Wayfinding: Clear, well-placed signage can help manage the flow of people and reduce congestion. Ensure that all directional signs are visible and easy to understand, directing visitors to key areas such as restrooms, exits, and information desks. Temporary signage might be necessary for special events or changes in traffic patterns. Enhance Parking Management: An influx of visitors can lead to parking challenges. Implement measures to manage parking effectively, such as using parking attendants during busy times, offering valet services, or providing clear signage for available parking spots. Consider partnering with nearby lots to offer additional parking options if needed. Boost Tenant Communication: Keep your tenants informed about expected increases in foot traffic and any changes in property management protocols. Regular updates via email or a property management app can help tenants prepare for the busy season and adjust their operations accordingly. Property Managers may also encourage tenants to communicate any concerns or suggestions they may have. Utilize Technology for Crowd Management: Leverage technology to monitor and manage foot traffic in real time. Use sensors and analytics to track visitor patterns and identify peak times. This data can help you make informed decisions about staffing , cleaning schedules, and security measures. Additionally, consider implementing digital queuing systems to manage lines and reduce crowding in high-traffic areas. Plan for Special Events: Summer often brings special events, promotions, and sales that can further increase foot traffic. Work closely with your tenants to coordinate these events and ensure they are well-organized. Provide additional support and resources as needed, such as extra cleaning staff, security, or promotional materials. Ensure HVAC Systems are Running Efficiently: With more people in the building, HVAC systems may be under greater strain to maintain comfortable temperatures. Conduct regular maintenance checks and ensure that systems are running efficiently. Consider temporary cooling solutions in particularly crowded areas to keep the environment pleasant for visitors and tenants alike. Focus on Customer Experience: A positive experience can turn a one-time visitor into a regular customer. Provide amenities such as free Wi-Fi, comfortable seating areas, and information desks staffed with friendly, knowledgeable personnel. Small touches like offering refreshments or providing charging stations for mobile devices can enhance the overall experience. Evaluate and Adapt: After the summer season, evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies. Gather feedback from tenants, staff, and visitors to identify areas for improvement. Use this information to refine your approach for future high-traffic periods, ensuring that your property remains well-managed and welcoming year-round. Ensuring Property Standards This Summer By proactively managing increased foot traffic during the summer, commercial Property Managers can maintain a safe, clean, and enjoyable environment for all visitors and tenants. Implementing these strategies will help ensure that your property stands out as a well-organized and attractive destination, even during the busiest times. As you and your team adapt to the seasonal needs of commercial real estate, consider the invaluable support BGSF can provide to your team. From saving time and money in the hiring process to accessing a diverse talent pool, the benefits are numerous. Face the future confidently, knowing that you have a dedicated partner committed to helping you build a scalable team to drive success. Contact us  to request top talent today!

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