Smart Resources and Accountable Search Wins Inavero’s 2018 Best of Staffing® Talent Award, Client And Talent Awards & Client Diamond Award.
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Chicago, IL – February 21, 2018 – Smart Resources and Accountable Search, a leading employment agency [in the Administrative and Financial industries], announced today that they have won Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Talent Award, Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Client and Talent Awards and the Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Client Diamond Award for providing superior service to their clients and job seekers.
Diamond Award Winners have won the Best of Staffing Award for at least five years in a row, consistently earning industry-leading satisfaction scores from their clients. Presented in partnership with CareerBuilder, Inavero’s award winners have proven to be industry leaders in service quality based entirely on ratings provided by the permanent and temporary employees they’ve helped find jobs. Less than 2% of all staffing agencies in the U.S. and Canada have earned the Best of Staffing Awards for service excellence.
“Smart Resources is so excited to be recognized by the two most important sectors of our business, our clients and our candidates. Our candidates absolutely make us who we are today. Our clients provide great work environments and experiences that foster the reputation we have as well. We feel grateful to be recognized by CareerBuilder and Inavero once again,” said Meg Laundry, regional managing director.
About Smart Resources and Accountable Search
Smart Resources and Accountable Search is a brand of publicly-traded BG Staffing Inc. (NYSE American: BGSF). Smart Resources and Accountable Search is Chicago’s “Most Referred” staffing firm! We have been successfully matching top administrative and financial professionals with Chicago’s most prestigious companies since 1994. We strive to provide a remarkable experience for our candidates and clients. Our staffing specialties include Executive Assistants, Administrative/Clerical Support and Accounting Support.
About Inavero
The Inavero team administers more staffing agency client and talent satisfaction surveys than any other firm in the world, reporting on more than 1.2 million satisfaction surveys from staffing agency clients and job seekers each year. Committed to delivering ongoing value to the industry, Inavero is proud to serve as the American Staffing Association’s exclusive service quality partner.
Best of Staffing
Inavero’s Best of Staffing® Award is the only award in the U.S. and Canada that recognizes staffing agencies that have proven superior service quality based entirely on ratings provided by their clients and job candidates. Award winners are showcased by city and area of expertise on
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