Recruiters spend an average of 7.4 seconds reviewing a resume before determining whether to learn more about a candidate (TheLadders.com). Although this can vary among employers, it is best to keep in mind you have a limited amount of time to make an impression.
Below are 10 ways that you can make your resume stand out and get HIRED!
1. Add a mission statement or professional summary at the top of your resume.
This highlights a quick snapshot of your skills, strengths, and qualifications.
2. Review the job description and identify your three most impactful skills.
This demonstrates that you did your research and understand what the employer is seeking.
3. Use key terms from the job description, should the employer use an ATS (applicant tracking system).
This will help your resume to stand out and rise to the top.
4. Format your resume to highlight your qualifications in an organized manner.
This allows the employer to find what they are looking for quickly.
5. Prioritize your skills and expertise at the top of your resume.
Shows potential employers why your skills and expertise are applicable to the role.
6. Choose an F-pattern or Z-pattern layout, with job titles supported by lists of accomplishments.
These patterns mimic how the human eye scans online webpages, which may hold an employer’s attention longer.
7. Select a simple font such as Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman.
Select a font size of 11-12 pt. for normal text, 14-16 pt. for section titles and headers.
8. Remove complex formatting for web or text resumes to optimize functionality in an ATS.
This includes the following: bullets, lines, headers, color schemes, bold or italicized fonts, special characters, symbols, hyperlinks, and images.
9. Use short declarative statements to highlight your accomplishments and contributions to your previous employers.
Recruiters want to see how you add value and envision what you may bring to their company.
10. Limit your resume to one to two pages at the most.
This allows the employer to engage with the most crucial details.
Now that your resume is ready, head over to BGSF.com to search our Professional and Real Estate opportunities. We are hiring nationwide and would love an opportunity to help take your career to the next level.